Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 2

Right after yesterday's blog we went to Arun's advanced practice class. It was an amazing class that consisted of very long holding of poses. 5 minutes in Supata Padangustasana 1 & 2 each side twice, 10 minutes in Sirsasana (headstand), 10 minutes each side marichyasana 2. Needless to say, after the long flight, staying up all day, and truly slipping into a deeper kosha after the evening class, I hit the proverbial wall, skipped dinner, and went to bed. I think I was fast asleep by 8pm. So now it's 5am and I am wide awake. The sweet assault noise is beginning outside my hotel room--cars speeding by, 3 wheeled motorcycles aka taxis zooming around, birds squawking, horns beeping (which by the way conitinues all day long) and chanting off in the distance at the local temple. My roommate, Darcy wants coffee. There is a local chain of coffee shops called "coffee day" we are going to take a little walk and see just how early they open...
This morning we will have a 2 hour class with Arun (it's Sunday morning here) and then we are off to brunch at Lela Palace (a fancy place) followed by our first official shopping expedition. :)
Well, I'm off to look for coffee or better yet those delectable piping hot, thimble size cups of chai sold in the corner street cafe's.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm. Coffee. Tell Darcy hello. I went to Andy's Sunday morning class and it was fabulous. I sent out a bunch of love to you guys during shavasana. What's kosha? It's 1:30 in the morning where are you are now and noon thirty here. That's a big time difference to get used to. Love and light, Donna
